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How Long Does It Take Wood Shingles To Change Colors?

Weathered Shingles

The Length Of Time It Takes Cedar And Other Wood Shingles To Change Colors

Wood shingles rely on weather conditions to discolor to a desired look. The weathering process mostly depends on how much sun and heat your shingles are exposed to, but your location and how much rain and wind your shingles endure can also influence it. The sun's ultraviolet rays will start the weathering process — changing the wood's structure and color over time.

How Long Does It Take Cedar Shingles To Turn Grey?

Cedar shingles can change color naturally in 1-3 years. The end color of the weathered wood depends on the type of shingle:

How Long Does It Take Wallaba And Teak Shingles To Change Color?

Instead of installing cedar shingles, you might opt for wallaba shingles with a red color and a beautiful coarse grain. As they age, the deep red color of these shingles will naturally change to patina gray within 1-2 years. 

You may also choose teak shingles, which offer gold, copper and tan colors when first installed. These beautiful shingles are made from Asian mint trees and fade into silvery gray after a few years.

Maintain Your Roof As It Ages

Knowing what color cedar shingles turn is only one aspect to consider — checking them now and then to ensure they age evenly as they weather is also important. Make sure your roof is not over-exposed to rain and that moisture does not build up, and remember that weathering is not the same as decay. Weathering adds character to your roof, while decay results when moisture seeps into your shingles and causes moss, mold and fungi to grow.

Browse Our Shingle Projects

Cedar, wallaba and teak shingles are perfect if you'd like a wooden roof that complements your home and ages gracefully. Custom Shingles offers bespoke products to help you make memories under a one-of-a-kind roof that becomes more charming as the years pass. Explore some of our completed projects to see what we can do, or contact us for a no-obligation free quote.